
Current Situation Seniors – Good Samaritan Center

Mission greetings dear friends of Good Samaritan Society! Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Colombian government issued the order for all people over the age of 70 to be quarantined until May 30th. This presidential order must be complied with throughout the country in order is to protect the elderly who are the most vulnerable population. Though seniors are not coming to the Center, we are in regular contact with them and their families via phone. The seniors highly value this ongoing spiritual connection.

Other restrictions are in place for the rest of the population. Schools and universities must work, also until May 30th via the internet. By order of the government, all organizations must also pay the salaries of their employees, which in our case includes Maria our cook, Elisa our nurse and my half-time position as coordinator of the project.

The seniors of the Good Samaritan Center in Soacha are also complying with the government orders. They have been confined to their homes since March 23rd; some are alone while others are with a relative who lives with them. Right now, the situation is very critical because all live in a situation of economic vulnerability. Some of their relatives cannot go to work due to the moving restrictions. This is generating a real food crisis in families since nobody has money to buy food for the family.

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